PySM Documentation

This code generates full-sky simulations of Galactic foregrounds in intensity and polarization relevant for CMB experiments. The components simulated are: thermal dust, synchrotron, AME, free-free, and CMB at a given HEALPix \(N_{side}\), with an option to integrate over a bandpass and to smooth with a given beam.

There is scope for a few options for the model for each component, attempting to be consistent with current data.

Currently much of the available data is limited in resolution at degree-scale. We therefore make efforts to provide reasonable small-scale simulations to extend the data to higher multipoles. The details of the procedures developed can be found in the accompanying paper.

If you are using this code please cite the PySM 2 paper Thorne at al

This code is based on the large-scale Galactic part of Planck Sky Model (Delabrouille 2012) code and uses some of its inputs.


Each model is identified with a letter and a number, the letter indicates the kind of emission and the number the type of model, generally in order of complexity starting at 1. For example for dust we start with d1 based on Planck commander results, d4 has 2 dust populations and d6 implements a model of dust frequency decorrelation.

For example free-free:

f1: We model the free-free emission using the analytic model assumed in the Commander fit to the Planck 2015 data (Draine 2011 Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium) to produce a degree-scale map of free-free emission at 30 GHz. We add small scales to this using a procedure outlined in the accompanying paper. This map is then scaled in frequency by applying a spatially constant power law index of -2.14.


PySM is written in Python and requires:

In order to run in parallel with MPI, it also needs:

  • mpi4py

To support distributed smoothing, it also requires:


PySM is a pure Python package, the easiest way to install the last release is to use conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pysm3

or pip:

pip install pysm3


See the requirements.txt file in the repository.


MPI-Distributed smoothing (optional) requires libsharp, it is easiest to install the conda package:

conda install -c conda-forge libsharp=*=*openmpi*

It also has a mpich version:

conda install -c conda-forge libsharp=*=*mpich*

Install at NERSC

Optionally replace with a newer anaconda environment:

module load python/3.7-anaconda-2019.10
conda create -c conda-forge -n pysm pysm3 python=3.7 ipython
conda activate pysm
module unload python

Development install

The development version is available in the master branch of the GitHub repository, you can clone and install it with:

pip install .

for a development installation, instead run:

pip install -e .

Execute the unit tests with:



pysm Package


apply_smoothing_and_coord_transform(input_map) Apply smoothing and coordinate rotation to an input map
bandpass_unit_conversion(freqs, weights, …) Unit conversion from uK_RJ to output unit given a bandpass
check_freq_input(freqs) Function to check that the input to Model.get_emission is a np.ndarray.
mpi_smoothing(input_map, fwhm, map_dist)
normalize_weights(freqs, weights)
read_map(path, nside[, unit, field, map_dist]) Wrapper of healpy.read_map for PySM data.
test(**kwargs) Run the tests for the package.


CMBLensed(nside, cmb_spectra[, cmb_seed, …]) Lensed CMB
CMBMap(nside[, map_IQU, map_I, map_Q, …])
CurvedPowerLaw(map_I, freq_ref_I, …[, …])
DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody([map_I, …]) See parent class for other documentation.
HensleyDraine2017(map_I, map_Q, map_U, …) This is a model for modified black body emission.
InterpolatingComponent(path, input_units, nside) PySM component interpolating between precomputed maps
MapDistribution([pixel_indices, mpi_comm, …]) Define how a map is distributed
Model(nside[, map_dist]) This is the template object for PySM objects.
ModifiedBlackBody(map_I, map_Q, map_U, …) This is a model for modified black body emission.
PowerLaw(map_I, freq_ref_I, map_pl_index, nside) This is a model for a simple power law synchrotron model.
Sky([nside, preset_strings, …]) Sky is the main interface to PySM
SpDust(map_I, freq_ref_I, emissivity, …[, …]) Implementation of the SpDust2 code of (Ali-Haimoud et al 2012) evaluated for a Cold Neutral Medium.
SpDustPol(map_I, freq_ref_I, emissivity, …) SpDust2 model with Polarized emission

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pysm.models.cmb.CMBLensed, pysm.models.cmb.CMBMap, pysm.models.power_law.CurvedPowerLaw, pysm.models.dust.DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody, pysm.models.hd2017.HensleyDraine2017, pysm.models.interpolating.InterpolatingComponent, pysm.distribution.MapDistribution, pysm.models.template.Model, pysm.models.dust.ModifiedBlackBody, pysm.models.power_law.PowerLaw,, pysm.models.spdust.SpDust, pysm.models.spdust.SpDustPol