
class pysm3.DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody(map_I=None, map_Q=None, map_U=None, freq_ref_I=None, freq_ref_P=None, map_mbb_index=None, map_mbb_temperature=None, nside=None, mpi_comm=None, map_dist=None, unit_I=None, unit_Q=None, unit_U=None, unit_mbb_temperature=None, correlation_length=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: pysm3.ModifiedBlackBody

See parent class for other documentation.

correlation_length: float

This number set the scale in logarithmic space for the distance in freuqency past which the MBB emission becomes decorrelated. For frequencies much much closer than this distance, the emission is well correlated.

Methods Summary

get_emission(freqs[, weights])

Function to calculate the emission of a decorrelated modified black body model.

Methods Documentation

get_emission(freqs: Unit(‘GHz’), weights=None)[source] [edit on github]

Function to calculate the emission of a decorrelated modified black body model.