
class pysm3.CurvedPowerLaw(map_I, freq_ref_I, map_pl_index, nside, spectral_curvature, freq_curve, map_Q=None, map_U=None, freq_ref_P=None, unit_I=None, unit_Q=None, unit_U=None, map_dist=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: pysm3.models.power_law.PowerLaw

This function initialzes the power law model of synchrotron emission.

The initialization of this model consists of reading in emission templates from file, reading in spectral parameter maps from file.

map_I, map_Q, map_U: `pathlib.Path` object

Paths to the maps to be used as I, Q, U templates.

unit_*string or Unit

Unit string or Unit object for all input FITS maps, if None, the input file should have a unit defined in the FITS header.

freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P: Quantity or string

Reference frequencies at which the intensity and polarization templates are defined. They should be a astropy Quantity object or a string (e.g. “1500 MHz”) compatible with GHz.

map_pl_index: `pathlib.Path` object

Path to the map to be used as the power law index.

nside: int

Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated.

Methods Summary

get_emission(freqs[, weights])

This function evaluates the component model at a either a single frequency, an array of frequencies, or over a bandpass.

Methods Documentation

get_emission(freqs: Unit(‘GHz’), weights=None)[source] [edit on github]

This function evaluates the component model at a either a single frequency, an array of frequencies, or over a bandpass.

freqs: scalar or array astropy.units.Quantity

Frequency at which the model should be evaluated, in a frequency which can be converted to GHz using astropy.units. If an array of frequencies is provided, integrate using trapz with a equal weighting, i.e. simulate a top-hat bandpass.

weights: np.array, optional

Array of weights describing the frequency response of the instrument, i.e. the bandpass. Weights are normalized and applied in Jy/sr.


Simulated map at the given frequency or integrated over the given bandpass. The shape of the output is (3,npix) for polarized components, (1,npix) for temperature-only components. Output is in uK_RJ.