Source code for pysm3.utils

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

# This sub-module is destined for common non-package specific utility
# functions.

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

from .. import units as u
from .data import RemoteData  # noqa: F401

import logging

log = logging.getLogger("pysm3")

def has_polarization(m):
    """Checks if a map or a group of map is polarized

    Works with a map of shape (IQU, npix) or
    (channels, IQU, npix)"""
    if isinstance(m, np.ndarray):  # array
        if m.ndim == 1:
            return False
            return m.shape[-2] == 3
    elif isinstance(m[0], np.ndarray):  # IQU tuple
        return len(m) == 3
    elif isinstance(m[0][0], np.ndarray):  # multiple IQU tuples
        return len(m[0]) == 3
        raise TypeError("Map format not understood")

[docs]def normalize_weights(freqs, weights): """Normalize bandpass weights to support integration "in K_RJ" Bandpasses are assumed to be in power units, i.e. Jy/sr this function takes the input weights and multiplies them by the conversion factor from RJ to Jy/sr, so that when we do the integration with foregrounds defined in RJ units using these weights, we first convert to power and do the integration in power. Then they are also all multiplied by the integrated conversion factor from Jy/sr to RJ, so that the output of the integral is transformed back to RJ. Parameters ---------- freqs : np.array array of frequency in GHz, without units weights : np.array array of weights, without units, if None, a top-hat bandpass (in power units) will be used Returns ------- normalized_weights : np.array Normalized weights """ if len(freqs) == 1: return np.array([1.0]) else: if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(freqs), dtype=np.float) weights = weights / np.trapz(weights, freqs) weights = (weights * u.uK_RJ).to_value( (u.Jy /, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freqs * u.GHz) ) return weights / np.trapz(weights, freqs)
[docs]def bandpass_unit_conversion( freqs, weights=None, output_unit=None, input_unit=u.uK_RJ, cut=1e-10 ): """Unit conversion from input to output unit given a bandpass The bandpass is always assumed in power units (Jy/sr) Gain weights below cut are removed. Parameters ---------- freqs : astropy.units.Quantity Frequency array in a unit compatible with GHz weights : numpy array Bandpass weights, if None, assume top-hat bandpass Weights are always assumed in (Jy/sr), whatever the input unit output_unit : astropy.units.Unit Output unit for the bandpass conversion factor input_unit : astropy.units.Unit Input unit for the bandpass conversion factor Default uK_RJ, the standard unit used internally by PySM cut : float Normalized gains under this value are removed Returns ------- factor : astropy.units.Quantity Conversion factor in units of output_unit/input_unit """ assert output_unit is not None, "Please specify an output unit" freqs = check_freq_input(freqs) if len(freqs) == 1: factor = (1.0 * input_unit).to_value( output_unit, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freqs * u.GHz) ) else: if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(freqs), dtype=np.float64) else: weights = weights.copy() weights /= np.trapz(weights, freqs) if weights.min() < cut: good = np.logical_not(weights < cut) "Removing {}/{} points below {}".format(good.sum(), len(good), cut) ) weights = weights[good] freqs = freqs[good] weights /= np.trapz(weights, freqs) weights_to_rj = (weights * input_unit).to_value( (u.Jy /, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freqs * u.GHz) ) weights_to_out = (weights * output_unit).to_value( (u.Jy /, equivalencies=u.cmb_equivalencies(freqs * u.GHz) ) factor = np.trapz(weights_to_rj, freqs) / np.trapz(weights_to_out, freqs) return factor * u.Unit(output_unit / input_unit)
@njit def trapz_step_inplace(freqs, weights, i, m, output): """Execute a step of the trapezoidal rule and accumulate into output freqs : ndarray Frequency axis, generally in GHz, but doesn't matter as long as weights were normalized accordingly weights : ndarray Frequency bandpass response, normalized to unit integral (with trapz) i : integer Index of the current step in the arrays m : ndarray Emission evaluated at the current frequency to be accumulated output : ndarray Array where the integrated emission is accumulated. """ # case for a single frequency, compensate for the .5 factor if i == 0 and len(freqs) == 1: delta_freq = 2 # first step of the integration elif i == 0: delta_freq = freqs[1] - freqs[0] # last step elif i == (len(freqs) - 1): delta_freq = freqs[-1] - freqs[-2] # middle steps else: delta_freq = freqs[i + 1] - freqs[i - 1] output += 0.5 * m * weights[i] * delta_freq
[docs]def check_freq_input(freqs): """Function to check that the input to `Model.get_emission` is a np.ndarray. This function will convert input scalar frequencies to a Quantity array in GHz Parameters ---------- freqs: astropy.units.Quantity Input frequency array Returns ------- freqs : np.array Frequencies in GHz in a numpy array """ if freqs.isscalar: freqs = freqs[None] return freqs.to_value(u.GHz)