Source code for pysm3.models.dust

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from astropy import constants as const

from .. import units as u
from .. import utils
from .template import Model

[docs]class ModifiedBlackBody(Model): """ This is a model for modified black body emission. Attributes ---------- I_ref, Q_ref, U_ref: ndarray Arrays containing the intensity or polarization reference templates at frequency `freq_ref_I` or `freq_ref_P`. """ def __init__( self, map_I, freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P, map_mbb_index, map_mbb_temperature, nside, max_nside=None, map_Q=None, map_U=None, has_polarization=True, unit_I=None, unit_Q=None, unit_U=None, unit_mbb_temperature=None, map_dist=None, ): """ This function initializes the modified black body model. The initialization of this model consists of reading in emission templates from file, reading in spectral parameter maps from file. Parameters ---------- map_I, map_Q, map_U: `pathlib.Path` object Paths to the maps to be used as I, Q, U templates. If has_polarization is True and map_Q is None, assumes map_I is IQU unit_* : string or Unit Unit string or Unit object for all input FITS maps, if None, the input file should have a unit defined in the FITS header. freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P: Quantity or string Reference frequencies at which the intensity and polarization templates are defined. They should be a astropy Quantity object or a string (e.g. "1500 MHz") compatible with GHz. map_mbb_index: `pathlib.Path` object or scalar value Path to the map to be used as the power law index for the dust opacity in a modified blackbody model, for a constant value use a float or an integer map_mbb_temperature: `pathlib.Path` object or scalar Path to the map to be used as the temperature of the dust in a modified blackbody model. For a constant value use a float or an integer nside: int Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated. """ super().__init__(nside=nside, max_nside=max_nside, map_dist=map_dist) # do model setup self.is_IQU = has_polarization and map_Q is None self.I_ref = self.read_map( map_I, field=[0, 1, 2] if self.is_IQU else 0, unit=unit_I ) # This does unit conversion in place so we do not copy the data # we do not keep the original unit because otherwise we would need # to make a copy of the array when we run the model self.I_ref <<= u.uK_RJ self.freq_ref_I = u.Quantity(freq_ref_I).to(u.GHz) self.has_polarization = has_polarization if has_polarization and map_Q is not None: self.Q_ref = self.read_map(map_Q, unit=unit_Q) self.Q_ref <<= u.uK_RJ self.U_ref = self.read_map(map_U, unit=unit_U) self.U_ref <<= u.uK_RJ else: # unpack IQU map to 3 arrays self.Q_ref = self.I_ref[1] self.U_ref = self.I_ref[2] self.I_ref = self.I_ref[0] if has_polarization: self.freq_ref_P = u.Quantity(freq_ref_P).to(u.GHz) self.mbb_index = ( self.read_map(map_mbb_index, unit="") if isinstance(map_mbb_index, (str, Path)) else u.Quantity(map_mbb_index, unit="") ) self.mbb_temperature = ( self.read_map(map_mbb_temperature, unit=unit_mbb_temperature) if isinstance(map_mbb_temperature, (str, Path)) else u.Quantity(map_mbb_temperature, unit=unit_mbb_temperature) ) self.mbb_temperature <<= u.K self.nside = int(nside)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ: freqs = utils.check_freq_input(freqs) weights = utils.normalize_weights(freqs, weights) outputs = get_emission_numba( freqs, weights, self.I_ref.value, self.Q_ref.value, self.U_ref.value, self.freq_ref_I.value, self.freq_ref_P.value, self.mbb_index.value, self.mbb_temperature.value, ) return outputs << u.uK_RJ
@njit(parallel=True) def get_emission_numba( freqs, weights, I_ref, Q_ref, U_ref, freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P, mbb_index, mbb_temperature, ): output = np.zeros((3, len(I_ref)), dtype=I_ref.dtype) if len(freqs) > 1: temp = np.zeros((3, len(I_ref)), dtype=I_ref.dtype) else: temp = output I, Q, U = 0, 1, 2 for i, (freq, weight) in enumerate(zip(freqs, weights)): temp[I, :] = I_ref temp[Q, :] = Q_ref temp[U, :] = U_ref if freq != freq_ref_I: # -2 because black body is in flux unit and not K_RJ temp[I] *= (freq / freq_ref_I) ** (mbb_index - 2.0) temp[I] *= blackbody_ratio(freq, freq_ref_I, mbb_temperature) freq_scaling_P = (freq / freq_ref_P) ** (mbb_index - 2.0) * blackbody_ratio( freq, freq_ref_P, mbb_temperature ) for P in [Q, U]: temp[P] *= freq_scaling_P if len(freqs) > 1: utils.trapz_step_inplace(freqs, weights, i, temp, output) return output
[docs]class DecorrelatedModifiedBlackBody(ModifiedBlackBody): def __init__( self, map_I=None, map_Q=None, map_U=None, freq_ref_I=None, freq_ref_P=None, map_mbb_index=None, map_mbb_temperature=None, nside=None, max_nside=None, mpi_comm=None, map_dist=None, unit_I=None, unit_Q=None, unit_U=None, unit_mbb_temperature=None, correlation_length=None, ): """ See parent class for other documentation. Parameters ---------- correlation_length: float This number set the scale in logarithmic space for the distance in freuqency past which the MBB emission becomes decorrelated. For frequencies much much closer than this distance, the emission is well correlated. """ super().__init__( map_I=map_I, map_Q=map_Q, map_U=map_U, freq_ref_I=freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P=freq_ref_P, map_mbb_index=map_mbb_index, map_mbb_temperature=map_mbb_temperature, nside=nside, max_nside=max_nside, unit_I=unit_I, unit_Q=unit_Q, unit_U=unit_U, unit_mbb_temperature=unit_mbb_temperature, map_dist=map_dist, ) self.correlation_length = correlation_length * u.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ: """ Function to calculate the emission of a decorrelated modified black body model. """ freqs = utils.check_freq_input(freqs) weights = utils.normalize_weights(freqs, weights) # calculate the decorrelation rho_cov_I, rho_mean_I = get_decorrelation_matrix( self.freq_ref_I, freqs * u.GHz, self.correlation_length ) rho_cov_P, rho_mean_P = get_decorrelation_matrix( self.freq_ref_P, freqs * u.GHz, self.correlation_length ) nfreqs = freqs.shape[-1] extra_I =, np.random.randn(nfreqs)) extra_P =, np.random.randn(nfreqs)) decorr = np.zeros((nfreqs, 3)) decorr[:, 0, None] = rho_mean_I + extra_I[:, None] decorr[:, 1, None] = rho_mean_P + extra_P[:, None] decorr[:, 2, None] = rho_mean_P + extra_P[:, None] output = np.zeros((3, len(self.I_ref)), dtype=self.I_ref.dtype) # apply the decorrelation to the mbb_emission for each frequencies before integrating for i, (freq, weight) in enumerate(zip(freqs, weights)): temp = decorr[..., None][i] * super().get_emission(freq * u.GHz) if len(freqs) > 1: utils.trapz_step_inplace(freqs, weights, i, temp, output) else: output = temp return output << u.uK_RJ
@u.quantity_input def frequency_decorr_model(freqs: u.GHz, correlation_length: u.dimensionless_unscaled): """ Function to calculate the frequency decorrelation method of Vansyngel+17. """ log_dep = np.log(freqs[:, None] / freqs[None, :]) return np.exp(-0.5 * (log_dep / correlation_length) ** 2) @u.quantity_input def get_decorrelation_matrix( freq_constrained: u.GHz, freqs_unconstrained: u.GHz, correlation_length: u.dimensionless_unscaled, ): """ Function to calculate the correlation matrix between observed frequencies. This model is based on the proposed model for decorrelation of Vansyngel+17. The proposed frequency covariance matrix in this paper is implemented, and a constrained Gaussian realization for the unobserved frequencies is calculated. Notes ----- For a derivation see 1109.0286. Parameters ---------- freq_constrained: float Reference frequency. freqs_unconstrained: ndarray Frequencies at which to calculate the correlation matrix. correlation_length: float Parameter controlling the structure of the frequency covariance matrix. Returns ------- ndarray Frequency covariance matrix used to calculate a constrained realization. """ assert correlation_length >= 0 assert isinstance(freqs_unconstrained, np.ndarray) freq_constrained = utils.check_freq_input(freq_constrained) * u.GHz freqs_all = np.insert(freqs_unconstrained, 0, freq_constrained) indref = np.where(freqs_all == freq_constrained) corrmatrix = frequency_decorr_model(freqs_all, correlation_length) rho_inv = invert_safe(corrmatrix) rho_uu = np.delete(np.delete(rho_inv, indref, axis=0), indref, axis=1) rho_uu = invert_safe(rho_uu) rho_inv_cu = rho_inv[:, indref] rho_inv_cu = np.transpose(np.array([np.delete(rho_inv_cu, indref)])) # get eigenvalues, w, and eigenvectors in matrix, v. rho_uu_w, rho_uu_v = np.linalg.eigh(rho_uu) # reconstruct covariance matrix using only positive eigenvalues. Take # square root as we use this to draw directly the pixels (sigma). evals = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.maximum(rho_uu_w, np.zeros_like(rho_uu_w)))) rho_covar =,, np.transpose(rho_uu_v))) rho_mean =, rho_inv_cu) return rho_covar, rho_mean def invert_safe(matrix): """Function to safely invert almost positive definite matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix: ndarray matrix to invert. Returns ------- ndaray inverted matrix. """ mb = matrix.copy() w_ok = False while not w_ok: w, v = np.linalg.eigh(mb) wmin = np.min(w) if wmin > 0: w_ok = True else: mb += np.diag(2.0 * np.max([1e-14, -wmin]) * np.ones(len(mb))) winv = 1.0 / w return,, np.transpose(v))) @njit def blackbody_ratio(freq_to, freq_from, temp): """ Function to calculate the flux ratio between two frequencies for a blackbody at a given temperature. Parameters ---------- freq_to: float Frequency to which to scale assuming black body SED. freq_from: float Frequency from which to scale assuming black body SED. temp: float Temperature of the black body. Returns ------- float Black body ratio between `freq_to` and `freq_from` at temperature `temp`. """ return blackbody_nu(freq_to, temp) / blackbody_nu(freq_from, temp) h = const.h.value c = const.c.value k_B = const.k_B.value @njit def blackbody_nu(freq, temp): """Calculate blackbody flux per steradian, :math:`B_{\\nu}(T)`. .. note:: Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired. .. warning:: Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``. Parameters ---------- in_x : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frequency, wavelength, or wave number. If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Hz. temperature : number, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Blackbody temperature. If not a Quantity, it is assumed to be in Kelvin. Returns ------- flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Blackbody monochromatic flux in :math:`erg \\; cm^{-2} s^{-1} Hz^{-1} sr^{-1}`. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid temperature. ZeroDivisionError Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency). """ log_boltz = h * freq * 1e9 / (k_B * temp) boltzm1 = np.expm1(log_boltz) # Calculate blackbody flux bb_nu = 2.0 * h * (freq * 1e9) ** 3 / (c ** 2 * boltzm1) return bb_nu