
class pysm3.ModifiedBlackBody(map_I, map_Q, map_U, freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P, map_mbb_index, map_mbb_temperature, nside, has_polarization=True, unit_I=None, unit_Q=None, unit_U=None, unit_mbb_temperature=None, map_dist=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: pysm3.models.template.Model

This is a model for modified black body emission.

I_ref, Q_ref, U_ref: ndarray

Arrays containing the intensity or polarization reference templates at frequency freq_ref_I or freq_ref_P.

This function initializes the modified black body model.

The initialization of this model consists of reading in emission templates from file, reading in spectral parameter maps from file.

map_I, map_Q, map_U: `pathlib.Path` object

Paths to the maps to be used as I, Q, U templates.

unit_*string or Unit

Unit string or Unit object for all input FITS maps, if None, the input file should have a unit defined in the FITS header.

freq_ref_I, freq_ref_P: Quantity or string

Reference frequencies at which the intensity and polarization templates are defined. They should be a astropy Quantity object or a string (e.g. “1500 MHz”) compatible with GHz.

map_mbb_index: `pathlib.Path` object or scalar value

Path to the map to be used as the power law index for the dust opacity in a modified blackbody model, for a constant value use a float or an integer

map_mbb_temperature: `pathlib.Path` object or scalar

Path to the map to be used as the temperature of the dust in a modified blackbody model. For a constant value use a float or an integer

nside: int

Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated.

Methods Summary

get_emission(freqs[, weights])

This function evaluates the component model at a either a single frequency, an array of frequencies, or over a bandpass.

Methods Documentation

get_emission(freqs: Unit('GHz'), weights=None)[source] [edit on github]

This function evaluates the component model at a either a single frequency, an array of frequencies, or over a bandpass.

freqs: scalar or array astropy.units.Quantity

Frequency at which the model should be evaluated, in a frequency which can be converted to GHz using astropy.units. If an array of frequencies is provided, integrate using trapz with a equal weighting, i.e. simulate a top-hat bandpass.

weights: np.array, optional

Array of weights describing the frequency response of the instrument, i.e. the bandpass. Weights are normalized and applied in Jy/sr.


Simulated map at the given frequency or integrated over the given bandpass. The shape of the output is (3,npix) for polarized components, (1,npix) for temperature-only components. Output is in uK_RJ.