Source code for pysm3.models.template

""" This submodule contains the tempalte for the `Model` object.
The available PySM models are subclasses of this template, and
when adding models to PySM it is advised that the user subclasses
this template, ensuring that the new subclass has the required
`get_emission` method.

import logging
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from import fits
from .. import utils
from .. import units as u
from .. import mpi
import gc

    import pixell.enmap
    import pixell.curvedsky
except ImportError:
    pixell = None

log = logging.getLogger("pysm3")

[docs]class Model: """This is the template object for PySM objects. If a MPI communicator is passed as input and `pixel_indices` is None, the class automatically distributes the maps across processes. You can implement your own pixel distribution passing both a MPI communicator and `pixel_indices`, however that won't support smoothing with `libsharp`. If `libsharp` is available, the rings are distributed as expected by `libsharp` to perform distributed spherical harmonics transforms, see :py:func:`pysm.mpi.distribute_rings_libsharp`, the `libsharp` grid object is saved in `self.libsharp_grid`. If libsharp is not available, pixels are distributed uniformly across processes, see :py:func:`pysm.mpi.distribute_pixels_uniformly`""" def __init__(self, nside, max_nside=None, map_dist=None): """ Parameters ---------- mpi_comm: object MPI communicator object (optional, default=None). nside: int Resolution parameter at which this model is to be calculated. max_nside: int Keeps track of the the maximum Nside this model is available at by default 512 like PySM 2 models smoothing_lmax : int :math:`\\ell_{max}` for the smoothing step, by default :math:`2*N_{side}` """ self.nside = nside assert nside is not None self.max_nside = 512 if max_nside is None else max_nside self.map_dist = map_dist
[docs] def read_map(self, path, unit=None, field=0, nside=None): """Wrapper of the PySM read_map function that automatically uses nside, pixel_indices and mpi_comm defined in this Model by default. If the `nside` keyword is set, this will override the `Model` value when reading the map. This can be used to read in data products that must be processed at a specific nside. """ if nside is not None: nside = nside else: nside = self.nside if "{nside}" in path: path = path.format(nside=max(2048, nside)) return read_map( path, nside=nside, unit=unit, field=field, map_dist=self.map_dist )
[docs] def read_txt(self, path, **kwargs): mpi_comm = None if self.map_dist is None else self.map_dist.mpi_comm return read_txt(path, mpi_comm=mpi_comm, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_alm(self, path, has_polarization=True): """See `pysm.read_alm`, this is a convenience wrapper that passes `map_dist` and `dataurl` along""" return read_alm(path, has_polarization=has_polarization, map_dist=self.map_dist)
[docs] def read_cl(self, path, has_polarization=True): """See `pysm.read_alm`, this is a convenience wrapper that passes `map_dist` and `dataurl` along""" return read_cl(path, has_polarization=has_polarization, map_dist=self.map_dist)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def get_emission(self, freqs: u.GHz, weights=None) -> u.uK_RJ: """This function evaluates the component model at a either a single frequency, an array of frequencies, or over a bandpass. Parameters ---------- freqs: scalar or array astropy.units.Quantity Frequency at which the model should be evaluated, in a frequency which can be converted to GHz using astropy.units. If an array of frequencies is provided, integrate using trapz with a equal weighting, i.e. simulate a top-hat bandpass. weights: np.array, optional Array of weights describing the frequency response of the instrument, i.e. the bandpass. Weights are normalized and applied in Jy/sr. Returns ------- output : astropy.units.Quantity Simulated map at the given frequency or integrated over the given bandpass. The shape of the output is (3,npix) for polarized components, (1,npix) for temperature-only components. Output is in `uK_RJ`. """ freqs = utils.check_freq_input(freqs) weights = utils.normalize_weights(freqs, weights) outputs = np.zeros((3, hp.nside2npix(self.nside)), dtype=np.float32) return outputs << u.uK_RJ
[docs]def apply_smoothing_and_coord_transform( input_map, fwhm=None, rot=None, lmax=None, output_nside=None, output_car_resol=None, return_healpix=True, return_car=False, input_alm=False, map2alm_lsq_maxiter=10, map_dist=None, ): """Apply smoothing and coordinate rotation to an input map it applies the `healpy.smoothing` Gaussian smoothing kernel if `map_dist` is None, otherwise applies distributed smoothing with `libsharp`. In the distributed case, no rotation is supported. Parameters ---------- input_map : ndarray Input map, of shape `(3, npix)` This is assumed to have no beam at this point, as the simulated small scale template on which the simulations are based have no beam. fwhm : astropy.units.Quantity Full width at half-maximum, defining the Gaussian kernels to be applied. rot: hp.Rotator Apply a coordinate rotation give a healpy `Rotator`, e.g. if the inputs are in Galactic, `hp.Rotator(coord=("G", "C"))` rotates to Equatorial output_nside : int HEALPix output map Nside, if None, use the same as the input lmax : int lmax for the map2alm step, if None, it is set to 2.5 * nside if output_nside is equal or higher than nside. It is set to 1.5 * nside if output_nside is lower than nside output_car_resol : astropy.Quantity CAR output map resolution, generally in arcmin return_healpix : bool Whether to return the HEALPix map return_car : bool Whether to return the CAR map input_alm : bool Instead of starting from a map, `input_map` is a set of Alm map2alm_lsq_maxiter : int Number of iteration for the least squares map to Alm transform, setting it to 0 uses the standard map2alm, the default of 10 makes the transform slow if the input map is not band limited, for example if has point sources or sharp features. If ell_max is <= 1.5 nside, this setting is ignored and `map2alm` with pixel weights is used. Returns ------- smoothed_map : np.ndarray or tuple of np.ndarray Array containing the smoothed sky or tuple of HEALPix and CAR maps """ if not input_alm: nside = hp.get_nside(input_map) if output_nside is None: output_nside = nside if hasattr(input_map, "unit"): unit = input_map.unit else: unit = 1 if lmax is None: if nside == output_nside: lmax = int(2.5 * output_nside) elif output_nside > nside: lmax = int(2.5 * nside) elif output_nside < nside: lmax = int(1.5 * nside)"Setting lmax to %d", lmax) output_maps = [] if map_dist is None: if input_alm: alm = input_map.copy() else: if lmax <= 1.5 * nside:"Using map2alm with pixel weights") alm = hp.map2alm( input_map, lmax=lmax, use_pixel_weights=True if nside > 16 else False, ) elif map2alm_lsq_maxiter == 0: alm = hp.map2alm(input_map, lmax=lmax, iter=0)"Using map2alm with no weights and no iterations") else: alm, error, n_iter = hp.map2alm_lsq( input_map, lmax=lmax, mmax=lmax, tol=1e-7, maxiter=map2alm_lsq_maxiter, ) if n_iter == map2alm_lsq_maxiter: log.warning( "hp.map2alm_lsq did not converge in %d iterations," + " residual relative error is %.2g", n_iter, error, ) else: "Used map2alm_lsq, converged in %d iterations," + "residual relative error %.2g", n_iter, error, ) if fwhm is not None:"Smoothing with fwhm of %s", str(fwhm)) hp.smoothalm(alm, fwhm=fwhm.to_value(u.rad), inplace=True, pol=True) if rot is not None:"Rotate Alm") rot.rotate_alm(alm, inplace=True) if return_healpix:"Alm to map HEALPix") if input_alm: assert ( output_nside is not None ), "If inputting Alms, specify output_nside" output_maps.append( u.Quantity( hp.alm2map(alm, nside=output_nside, pixwin=False), unit, copy=False ) ) if return_car:"Alm to map CAR") shape, wcs = pixell.enmap.fullsky_geometry( output_car_resol.to_value(u.radian), dims=(3,), variant="fejer1", ) ainfo = output_maps.append( u.Quantity( pixell.curvedsky.alm2map( alm, pixell.enmap.empty(shape, wcs), ainfo=ainfo ), unit, copy=False, ) ) else: assert (rot is None) or ( rot.coordin == rot.coordout ), "No rotation supported in distributed smoothing" output_maps.append(mpi.mpi_smoothing(input_map, fwhm, map_dist)) assert not return_car, "No CAR output supported in Libsharp smoothing" return output_maps[0] if len(output_maps) == 1 else tuple(output_maps)
def apply_normalization(freqs, weights): """Function to apply a normalization constraing to a set of weights. This imposes the requirement that the integral of the weights over the array `freqs` must equal unity. Parameters ---------- freqs: ndarray Array containing the domain over which to integrate. weights: ndarray Array containing the samples to integrate. Returns ------- tuple(ndarray) Tuple containing the frequencies and weights. These are numpy arrays of equal length. """ return freqs, weights / np.trapz(weights, freqs) def extract_hdu_unit(path, hdu=1, field=0): """Function to extract unit from an hdu. Parameters ---------- path: Path object Path to the fits file. hdu: int HDU index field: int Column index Returns ------- string String specifying the unit of the fits data. """ if not np.isscalar(field): field = field[0] with as hdul: try: field_num = field + 1 unit = hdul[hdu].header[f"TUNIT{field_num}"] except KeyError: # in the case that TUNIT1 does not exist, assume unitless quantity. unit = "" log.warning("No physical unit associated with file %s", str(path)) return unit
[docs]def read_map(path, nside, unit=None, field=0, map_dist=None): """Wrapper of `healpy.read_map` for PySM data. This function also extracts the units from the fits HDU and applies them to the data array to form an `astropy.units.Quantity` object. This function requires that the fits file contains a TUNIT key for each populated field. Parameters ---------- path : object `pathlib.Path`, or str Path of HEALPix map to be read. nside : int Resolution at which to return map. Map is read in at whatever resolution it is stored, and `healpy.ud_grade` is applied. Returns ------- map : ndarray Numpy array containing HEALPix map in RING ordering. """ mpi_comm = None if map_dist is None else map_dist.mpi_comm pixel_indices = None if map_dist is None else map_dist.pixel_indices filename = utils.RemoteData().get(path) if (mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank == 0) or (mpi_comm is None): output_map = hp.read_map(filename, field=field, dtype=None) dtype = output_map.dtype # numba only supports little endian if dtype.byteorder == ">": dtype = dtype.newbyteorder() # mpi4py has issues if the dtype is a string like ">f4" if dtype == np.dtype(np.float32): dtype = np.dtype(np.float32) elif dtype == np.dtype(np.float64): dtype = np.dtype(np.float64) nside_in = hp.get_nside(output_map) if nside < nside_in: # do downgrading in double precision output_map = hp.ud_grade(output_map.astype(np.float64), nside_out=nside) elif nside > nside_in: output_map = hp.ud_grade(output_map, nside_out=nside) output_map = output_map.astype(dtype, copy=False) if unit is None: unit = extract_hdu_unit(filename, field=field) shape = output_map.shape elif mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank > 0: npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) try: ncomp = len(field) except TypeError: # field is int ncomp = 1 shape = npix if ncomp == 1 else (len(field), npix) unit = "" dtype = None if mpi_comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI dtype = mpi_comm.bcast(dtype, root=0) unit = mpi_comm.bcast(unit, root=0) node_comm = mpi_comm.Split_type(MPI.COMM_TYPE_SHARED) mpi_type = MPI._typedict[dtype.char] mpi_type_size = mpi_type.Get_size() win = MPI.Win.Allocate_shared( * mpi_type_size if node_comm.rank == 0 else 0, mpi_type_size, comm=node_comm, ) shared_buffer, item_size = win.Shared_query(0) assert item_size == mpi_type_size shared_buffer = np.array(shared_buffer, dtype="B", copy=False) node_shared_map = np.ndarray(buffer=shared_buffer, dtype=dtype, shape=shape) # only the first MPI process in each node is in this communicator rank_comm = mpi_comm.Split(0 if node_comm.rank == 0 else MPI.UNDEFINED) if mpi_comm.rank == 0: node_shared_map[:] = output_map if node_comm.rank == 0: rank_comm.Bcast(node_shared_map, root=0) mpi_comm.barrier() # code with broadcast to whole communicator # if mpi_comm.rank > 0: # output_map = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) # mpi_comm.Bcast(output_map, root=0) else: # without MPI node_shared_map is just another reference to output_map node_shared_map = output_map if pixel_indices is not None: # make copies so that Python can release the full array try: # multiple components output_map = np.array( [each[pixel_indices].copy() for each in node_shared_map] ) except IndexError: # single component output_map = node_shared_map[pixel_indices].copy() if mpi_comm is not None: del node_shared_map del shared_buffer win.Free() gc.collect() return u.Quantity(output_map, unit, copy=False)
def read_txt(path, mpi_comm=None, **kwargs): """MPI-aware numpy.loadtxt function reads text file on rank 0 with np.loadtxt and broadcasts over MPI Parameters ---------- path : str path to fits file. mpi_comm : mpi4py MPI Communicator. Returns ------- output : numpy.ndarray data read with numpy.loadtxt """ filename = utils.RemoteData().get(path) if (mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank == 0) or (mpi_comm is None): output = np.loadtxt(filename, **kwargs) elif mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank > 0: output = None if mpi_comm is not None: output = mpi_comm.bcast(output, root=0) return output def read_alm(path, has_polarization=True, unit=None, map_dist=None): """Read :math:`a_{\\ell m}` from a FITS file Parameters ---------- path : str absolute or relative path to local file or file available remotely. has_polarization : bool read only temperature alm from file or also polarization map_dist : pysm.MapDistribution :math:`\\ell_{max}` should be the same of the :math:`\\ell_{max}` in the file and :math:`m_{max}=\\ell_{max}`. """ filename = utils.RemoteData().get(path) mpi_comm = None if map_dist is None else map_dist.mpi_comm if (mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank == 0) or (mpi_comm is None): alm = np.complex128( hp.read_alm(filename, hdu=(1, 2, 3) if has_polarization else 1) ) if unit is None: unit = u.Unit(extract_hdu_unit(filename)) if mpi_comm is not None: raise NotImplementedError else: local_alm = alm return local_alm * unit def read_cl(path, has_polarization=True, unit=None, map_dist=None): """Read :math:`a_{\\ell m}` from a FITS file Parameters ---------- path : str absolute or relative path to local file or file available remotely. has_polarization : bool read only temperature alm from file or also polarization map_dist : pysm.MapDistribution :math:`\\ell_{max}` should be the same of the :math:`\\ell_{max}` in the file and :math:`m_{max}=\\ell_{max}`. """ filename = utils.RemoteData().get(path) mpi_comm = None if map_dist is None else map_dist.mpi_comm if (mpi_comm is not None and mpi_comm.rank == 0) or (mpi_comm is None): cl = hp.read_cl(filename) if unit is None: unit = u.Unit(extract_hdu_unit(filename)) return cl * unit