
pysm3.apply_smoothing_and_coord_transform(input_map, fwhm=None, rot=None, lmax=None, output_nside=None, output_car_resol=None, return_healpix=True, return_car=False, input_alm=False, map2alm_lsq_maxiter=10, map_dist=None)[source] [edit on github]

Apply smoothing and coordinate rotation to an input map

it applies the healpy.smoothing Gaussian smoothing kernel if map_dist is None, otherwise applies distributed smoothing with libsharp. In the distributed case, no rotation is supported.


Input map, of shape (3, npix) This is assumed to have no beam at this point, as the simulated small scale template on which the simulations are based have no beam.


Full width at half-maximum, defining the Gaussian kernels to be applied.

rot: hp.Rotator

Apply a coordinate rotation give a healpy Rotator, e.g. if the inputs are in Galactic, hp.Rotator(coord=("G", "C")) rotates to Equatorial


HEALPix output map Nside, if None, use the same as the input


lmax for the map2alm step, if None, it is set to 2.5 * nside if output_nside is equal or higher than nside. It is set to 1.5 * nside if output_nside is lower than nside


CAR output map resolution, generally in arcmin


Whether to return the HEALPix map


Whether to return the CAR map


Instead of starting from a map, input_map is a set of Alm


Number of iteration for the least squares map to Alm transform, setting it to 0 uses the standard map2alm, the default of 10 makes the transform slow if the input map is not band limited, for example if has point sources or sharp features. If ell_max is <= 1.5 nside, this setting is ignored and map2alm with pixel weights is used.

smoothed_mapnp.ndarray or tuple of np.ndarray

Array containing the smoothed sky or tuple of HEALPix and CAR maps